
The Town values and appreciates the important role volunteers play in creating a connected, thriving and vibrant community.  A volunteer’s invaluable time, skills and experience brings social and economic benefits to our community including:

  • Increased opportunities for community members to be involved in the delivery of Town services, initiatives and events.
  • Ideas and innovation.
  • Increased community pride, participation and social cohesion.
  • Sustainable services and operations- driving and supporting economic growth.

Why volunteer?

  • Generate a personal sense of belonging and achievement while giving back to the community.
  • Learn and develop skills and experience.
  • Share life experiences, abilities and perspectives.
  • Meet new people and make new friends.
  • Build self-confidence and well-being.
  • Networking opportunities and pathways to future employment.
  • Socialise, have fun and stay active.
  • Help to build a more connected, dynamic and diverse Town.

How to apply?

Volunteers from diverse backgrounds, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people, people with disability and people from culturally and diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

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For further information please contact: Community Development team on (08) 9311 8111 or email admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au  

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