Online Form - Street Meet n Greet Application 2023/24

Applicant Details

Event Details

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Terms and Conditions

1. Applicants must complete all Street Meet n Greet forms.
2. Funds must not be spent on alcohol, medicines, other drugs, or fundraising.
3. Funds must be used for the organisation and delivery of a street get-together or street celebration only.
4. Funds can be spent on good and services that enable a street get-together or street celebration to be delivered at a location (e.g. barbeque gas bottle refill, balloons, party games, disposable plates, cups and cutlery, food and drink, live music)
5. The full amount for the mini grant will be paid to the applicant after the Town receives receipts of purchases, a feedback form, and is satisfied the applicant has met the agreed terms and conditions.
6. The Town provides no guarantee that a Street Meet n Greet grant can be provided to all applicants if the allocated budget is fully expended prior to the end of the financial year.
7. Applicants must not be elected members, staff of the town, or their immediate family members.
8. Applicants must not have a current outstanding debt with the Town.
9. Funds must not be spent on goods and services to prepare a location or household for an event (e.g., lawn mowing services, purchasing a new barbeque, purchasing table and chairs).
10. In the event that multiple individuals apply for a Street Meet n Greet for the same street or location, they will be asked to collaborate on a combined event.
11. Receipts of purchases and the after event form must be returned to the Town within ten (10) business days of the date of the Street Meet n Greet event.
12. The Town reserves the right to cancel funding and grant arrangements at any time if the above conditions have not been met. The Town is not liable for any cost incurred by the grant recipient.

I have read and agree to all the terms and conditions of the Street Meet n Greet:*


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