Our Plan for the Future

The Strategic Community Plan 2022-2032 is the overarching strategy and planning document that reflects our community’s long-term vision, aspirations and priorities.

The plan is built upon a central vision – for the Town to be a dynamic place for everyone.

This vision is supported by our purpose, values, mission, community priorities and Town objectives.

The plan is available in full below, along with a 2-page summary and an easy-read version.

Town of Victoria Park Strategic Community Plan 2022-2032

2-page summary

Easy-read version

Strategic framework

The Town strives to undertake its work using a carefully crafted and best-practise strategic framework. Our diverse approach is informed by ongoing community engagement and is ultimately led by our locally elected members. Our strategic framework is complex and interlinked but follows a clear hierarchy. 

The Strategic Community Plan is the overarching strategy and planning document that reflects our community’s long-term vision, aspirations and priorities.

To achieve our vision, the SCP is delivered through a framework of supporting plans and strategies, including:

Corporate Business Plan

The Corporate Business Plan outlines the projects and services that the Town will deliver over a five-year period to help achieve the objectives of the Strategic Community Plan.

Long Term Financial Plan

The Long Term Financial Plan sets out the funding required to deliver the Town’s strategic programs and ongoing services, prioritised and timed according to the Town’s financial outlook.

Place Plans

The Town's Place Plans pull together all of the work and projects identified to be delivered in each of the Town's 10 neighbourhoods over the coming four years.

Informing strategies and Strategic Programs

To deliver the Strategic Community Plan, the Town has developed a comprehensive set of strategies on diverse areas including transport, economic development, events, public places and more.

Click below to view the Town's collection of active strategies and plans.

Strategies and plans

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