Effective Control
When walking your dog in any of our reserves, it's essential to keep them under effective control. This means having your dog stay close to you and not allowing it to disrupt other people or animals. While your dog may be playful, it's crucial to remember that not everyone is comfortable around dogs, and some may prefer not to be approached.
Dog Waste Bags
As a courtesy, we provide dog waste bags in designated areas throughout our parks. These bags are intended to promote responsible pet ownership and encourage correct waste disposal. While we do our best to keep these stations stocked, we recommend dog owners carry their waste bags, which are readily available at most supermarkets. We replenish the bags regularly. If bags are temporarily unavailable, it remains the responsibility of dog owners to act responsibly.
If your dog excretes waste on the street, in a park or any other public place, it is the responsibility of the person walking the dog to remove and appropriately dispose of it promptly. Failing to do so may result in a $100 penalty.

For any inquiries or to report issues, please contact 08 9311 811 or email admin@vicpark.wa.gov.au.