Residential Design Codes of Western Australia (R-Codes)

The Residential Design Codes are commonly called the (R-Codes) and provide a comprehensive basis for local governments to control residential development. The R-Codes are available for viewing and download from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.  

They generally apply to residential development throughout Western Australia, except as otherwise prescribed by the provisions of the Town Planning Scheme No. 1 or as varied by the Council’s local planning policies. 

 In the Town of Victoria Park, streetscape elements of the R-Codes Volume 1 are varied by Council's Local Planning Policy 25 - Streetscape. For further information, please contact the Duty Planner during business hours on (08) 9311 8111. 

Residential Design Codes of Western Australia (R-Codes)

The Residential Design Codes (the R-Codes) provide a comprehensive basis for local governments to control residential development. The R-Codes are available for viewing and download from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website. 

There are aspects of the R-Codes which are varied by the Town’s Town Planning Scheme No. 1 or Local Planning Policies.

Which R-Codes should I be using?

The R-Codes apply as follows:

What does this mean for new residential applications / proposals?

The State Government released the amended R-Codes (2024) on 8 March 2024 and is operational as of April 10 2024. This means any new applications lodged will need to be assessed under the amended framework. 

Planning Bulletin 114/2024 provides clear guidance on what applies when during the 1 month deferred gazettal and the 24 month special transition period. 

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