Community Champions

Do you know a Community Champion?

Our Town is full of everyday people doing exceptional things – and each year we set out to celebrate them with a free awards night recognising local heroes who volunteer their time and expertise in our community. 

We're looking for the unsung heroes who make Vic Park such a special place to live. It could be the neighbour who organises clean-up initiatives, the mentor inspiring local youth, or those individuals and organisations who tirelessly advocate for a cause close to your heart.

We know countless people in our community who fit the bill, and we know they don't always love the spotlight... That's why we need your help to bring them forward and recognise them!

Why nominate?

Recognising these community champions not only honors their efforts but also inspires others to contribute and make a difference. By nominating, you're helping to create a ripple effect of positivity that strengthens the bonds of our community.

You'll also be rewarding effort with well-deserved recognition. Nominees will attend our Community Champions Awards Night on 21 May, and will be celebrated for their contributions to our community. 

Who can be nominated?

Community Champions will be recognised in the following categories:

  • Local Champion
  • Young Champion (under 25 years)
  • Group Champions (groups/organisations)

Individuals belonging to a group or organisation are allowed to nominate that group or organisation. 

Nominations for individuals must be made by someone other than the nominee.

Eligibility is limited to:

  • Nominees volunteering in a capacity that contributes directly to the Town of Victoria Park community. 
  • Non-Town Employees 
  • Non-members of State, Federal or Local Government 

How to Nominate

Nominating is simple! Fill out the nomination form below and share your nominee's story. Don't forget to tell us why they deserve to be recognised as a Community Champion!

Nominations are open till midnight 28 March 2025.

Community Champion Nomination Form

Has the nominee's contribution been recognised elsewhere?

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
Please check if the nominee satisfies the following criteria:

Do you wish to remain anonymous to the nominee?
Do you confirm that you have reviewed your submission, and that the information you have provided is accurate, to the best of your knowledge?





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