Private Property Parking Agreement (PPPA)

A Private Property Parking Agreement (PPPA) can help prevent illegal or unauthorised parking on private property.

In order for Council to take action against vehicles that are parked on your property without consent, the owner of the property is required to enter into a PPPA with the Council.

Once an agreement is in place between the Town of Victoria Park and an owner or occupier, parking officers will visit the area on request/agreement and will encourage compliance with parking rules and regulations. For additional details, please refer to the PPPA Information.

Application Fee $150 (inc. GST)

*Credit Card Payment Surcharge - When processing your credit card payments, the Town is charged significant merchant fees by the banks. To recover a portion of the merchant fees on credit card payments, Town levies a small surcharge of 1% to our customers. 

In order for Council to take action against vehicles that are parking without consent on private property, the property owner is required to enter into a Private Property Parking Agreement (PPPA) with the Council.

Please read all the conditions of the agreement and ensure you understand them prior to submitting your application. Application fees are non-refundable.

Application Fee (non-refundable)

The applicable fee in relation to registering a Private Property Parking agreement is $150.00 per registration.

Any infringement-related revenue received by the Town does not offset this fee and is used to cover the costs of administering the infringements including, reminder and final demand notices and legal action where required.

Considering applications

On receipt of a PPPA application, the Town will contact the applicant and arrange for a property inspection to be carried out. The inspection covers a signage audit and other compliance considerations. The applicant will be required to be onsite to answer questions that may be relevant to the management of the agreement.

If you have any questions Officers are happy to discuss how agreements could work in general terms prior to submission of an application.

Agreements will only be entered into by the Town if we are sure that:

1. We can provide the service, and

2. That a PPPA is the most appropriate way to resolve the parking issues.


Applicants are required to submit a new application to renew their agreement. Please be aware that the Town does not typically send notifications to existing Private Property Parking Agreement (PPPA) holders regarding the expiration of their agreements. This practice has been adopted based on the Town's past experiences, where properties underwent changes in strata companies or were acquired by new owners who subsequently obtained control of the property.

To renew the PPPA, applicants must complete and submit a new application along with the annual renewal fee of $150. It is essential for existing agreement holders to be proactive in ensuring the continuation of their parking agreement. Please be mindful that failure to reapply may result in the termination of the agreement, thereby forfeiting any associated parking privileges.

We recommend staying informed about the expiration date of your PPPA and taking prompt action to secure its renewal to avoid any inconvenience. Enforcement of a PPPA will not be undertaken if registration is not current.

Officer Attendance

Due to operational requirements, Infringement Notices will only be issued between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. Monday to Friday subject to the availability of staff. All other days and times are subject to the discretion of the Town of Victoria Park.

Entering a PPPA with the Town of Victoria Park does not guarantee Officer Attendance. On receipt of a request to attend an Officer will attend as soon as practicable. 

Court Attendance

Most PPPAs will require a representative from the site to be a witness [authorised complainant] to the offense for an attending Officer. They will need to be on-site when the officer attends. Should an infringement notice be contested in the Court of Petty Sessions, the authorised complainant(s) who witnessed the offense may be required to attend court as a witness. Costs for court attendance as a witness are not recoverable from the Town of Victoria Park.

See PPPA Information Pack.

N.B. Fees quoted in this document are current until 30 June 2025 and inclusive of GST.


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Applicant contact details

Are you applying for?*

The property is...*

Landowner details

Agent(s) details

Property information

Is the property leased?

If YES, please complete the form below

Strata title properties (if applicable)

Is the property?*

Residential only

Controlled by

Commercial only

Please Note: If the property is managed by more than one agent, the authorised complainants must be nominated by all agents and any individual lessees of the property.

Are all units managed by the same agent


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Authorised complainants

Complainant 1

Complainant 2

Complainant 3


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What is a "Private Property Parking Agreement"?

A Private Property Parking Agreement [PPPA] is a contract between the Town of Victoria Park and owners or occupiers of private property to deter illegal or unauthorised parking on private property.

Do I need a PPPA?

You may need a PPPA should unauthorised vehicles prevent owners, tenants, staff, or customers from being able to park on your property.

The PPPA enables the provisions of the Vehicle Management Local Law to extend to private land where an authorised complainant identifies a vehicle parked in a parking facility or parking station on private land in contravention of the Town’s Parking Local Laws, they can request an authorised person from the Town to issue an infringement notice.

Once a PPPA is in place, parking officers can attend the area on request and will encourage compliance with parking rules and regulations. 

If I have a PPPA, can I organise for the Town to tow an abandoned vehicle off my property?

No. This is private property and even with a PPPA - Authorised officers from the Town are still not authorised to tow a vehicle. This becomes the responsibility of the property owner/s.

Who supplies and installs the signs required?

All signs required and installation cost are borne by the applicant. The exact number of signs will be ascertained in the initial on-site inspection after the application fee has been paid. 

What are the requirements for displaying signs?

The owner or their agent must display and maintain sign(s) for the duration of the PPPA (Private Property Parking Agreement) registration. The signs should indicate that the area is private property and warn that unauthorized parking may result in a penalty of up to $5000.00.

What are the guidelines for the installation of signs?

Signs should be installed at a minimum height of 2.0 meters above the footpath to avoid obstructing pedestrians, and 2.2 meters above the road surface to reduce interference from parked vehicles.

What happens to the signs if the PPPA expires or is cancelled?

Upon expiration or cancellation of the PPPA, all signs must be removed. This is required as a valid agreement between the applicant and the Town is no longer in place.

 Private Property Parking Agreement - Application Form and Information Pack

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