Yearly planting progress reports

Each year, our planting activities bring us closer to our urban greening goals.

Check out our planting progress reports below to reflect back on our strong progress achieved together with the community.

2023 Report

2023 saw more strong participation for our community, who came out to Kent Street verge and Fraser Park for our community planting days, and locals joined us at our newly established sites from 2022 – including microparks, green basins and bus stop gardens – to monitor growth and carry out any infill planting required.

In 2023, we planted 1,762 new trees and 17,814 plants, contributing to over 65,000m2 in projected canopy cover, bringing us to 15.4% of our projected 20% canopy target.

Click the image below to read our 2023 planting season report in full.

2022 Report

In 2022 we focused on how our planting season activities contribute to our strategic outcomes form the Urban Forest Implementation Action Plan. We planted 3,386 trees and 21,822 shurbs around the Town, which contributed to 111,697m2 in projected canopy cover for our Town.

2022 Tree Planting Season Report

2022 Planting Season Report Infographic

2021 Report

In 2021, the Town and our community worked together to deliver 140,534m2 of projected canopy cover through a variety of planting activities. We planted 3,921 trees around the Town. 

2021 Tree Planting Season Report

2020 Report

In 2020, we planted 2,899 trees and 29,419 shrubs around the Town. Overall, the 2020 Urban Forest program planting season added 110,000m2 of projected canopy cover to the Town. 

2020 Tree Planting Season Report

2019 Report

In 2019, almost triple the amount of trees were planted in public spaces compared to the 2018 planting season. We planted 1659 trees and 118,000 shrubs around the Town. This added a total of 70,000m2 of projected canopy to the Town's Urban Forest.

2019 Tree Planting Season Report


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