Share your thoughts on the Lathlain Park Zone 1 Business Plan

Published on Wednesday, 21 February 2024 at 4:06:25 PM

Lathlain Park Zone 1 is the final stage of the Lathlain Precinct Redevelopment Project, which aims to create a world class sporting and community precinct in Lathlain.

With seven out of eight zones complete, this final redevelopment project will see the Perth Football Club revitalised as a contemporary, multipurpose centre that caters to the needs of the Town’s diverse community.

The proposal involves replacement of the grandstand and construction of new facilities that will enhance the local area, provide a boost for WAFL football, support the growth of women’s football, and support a range of community activities.

Business Plan

In line with section 3.59 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Town has prepared a Business Plan for the Zone 1 redevelopment.

The Business Plan includes in-depth information about the proposed development, property information, the intended lease with Perth Football Club, cost estimates, funding sources, the financial impact on the Town and the expected benefits for the community.

The purpose of the Business Plan is to provide members of the community with the opportunity to consider the proposal and provide feedback to inform Council’s decision-making.

To read the business plan and share your comments, visit Your Thoughts below. Feedback can also be submitted by email to or by post to Town of Victoria Park, Locked Bag 437, Victoria Park WA 6979. Submissions should be titled "Lathlain Park Zone 1 Business Plan" and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer.

Your Thoughts | Lathlain Park Zone 1 Business Plan

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