Stage 3 (in progress): Macmillan Precinct Masterplan

Stage 3 is an important stage for the Macmillan Precinct Redevelopment Project, as it is focused on creating a detailed Masterplan.

A Masterplan process will build on the ideas in the Concept Plan (stage 2) and will look in detail at how the precinct public spaces and facilities should be designed, how existing services and its users are best accommodated, as well as the cost and funding implications of these decisions.

This stage will be accompanied by extensive and continuing community consultation, to ensure decisions remain aligned to their needs and the Macmillan Precinct vision.

Masterplan phases

Design brief development (complete)

Identify key stakeholders for the Macmillan Precinct’s Hub Activity Centre and Bowls Club to consult with. Undertake technical site analysis to inform design options for these important sites within Macmillan Precinct.

Bowls and Hub option selection (in progress)

Engagement with Macmillan Precinct’s Hub and Bowls stakeholders to establish design options. Wider consultation on high level design considerations and further refinement before a recommended option is presented to the Victoria Park Council.

Design development (hub and public space)

Design development of the preferred Vic Park Hub, Bowls and public space options within Macmillan Precinct. Preliminary concept design, costings and feasibility analysis will be part of this phase. Stakeholder and community feedback will also be sought before the design is finalised.

Design development (wider Macmillan Precinct)

Design development of the wider Macmillan Precinct. This phase will occur concurrently with the ‘Hub and public space design development’. Building design guidelines, planning principle and implementation recommendation will inform the design for the remaining precinct.

Macmillan Precinct Masterplan report

In this phase, 3D visualisations of the Hub, Bowls, public space and wider Macmillan Precinct’s design will be developed. This will accompany the detailed Macmillan Masterplan document for advertising and public comment.

Public advertising and Council approval

The Masterplan design and report will be provided to the community for feedback, via a number of engagement tools. Feedback received will be used to amend the Macmillan Precinct Masterplan report before being presented for Council approval.


Latest updates

In August 2021, the first major milestone of the masterplan stage was reached with design brief development completed.

Download and read design brief

We’re now progressing to the next phase, Bowls and Hub option selection, which will involve using the facility design brief to develop options for the Bowls and community hub areas.

This phase will include additional engagement with the Macmillan Precinct Masterplan working group, key stakeholders and the wider community – watch this space!

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