Online Form - Verge Treatment Application

I request permission to install landscaping treatment to the adjacent verge of the above property as per the sketch attached. During installation and upon completion of the work, I agree to maintain the verge treatment in accordance with the relevant local law requirements to the satisfaction of the Town of Victoria Park.*
Are you an elected member, staff of the Town or immediate family?*

Town of Victoria Park local law requirements relating to landscaping on verges:

  • No plant is to be more than 750mm when mature, or of hazardous nature (eg. thorny or poisonous);
  • Paving material (pavers only) is limited to 25% of the verge area, excluding the crossover, and, if used, is to be integrated into the soft landscaping so as not to provide an area for vehicle parking;
  • Artificial turf or synthetic grass is not permitted as a verge treatment;
  • Loose pea gravel, crushed brick or other stone aggregates are generally not permitted as verge treatments;
  • The verge treatment is not to impede pedestrian access;
  • The general level and grade of the verge is not to be altered;
  • All irrigation pipework and associated fittings are to be laid at a depth of not more than 300mm, nor less than 150mm, below ground level;
  • Mulch is to be woodchips or large-particle vegetative mulch material (please specify in sketch plan over);
  • Existing street trees are to be protected and not to be pruned or interfered with in any way without approval from the Town; and
  • Verge treatments are to be set back 1.0m from the road frontage, and if no footpath is present, a 1.5m pedestrian area must be available at the property boundary.
Would you like to be considered for the Adopt-a-Verge rebate program?*

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Plant Schedule

Irrigation method*
Mulch type*
Mulch depth*


Select larger pots eg 175mm-200mm for smaller verges, and smaller pots e.g., 140mm and tube stock for larger verges e.g., corner blocks.

Plant spacing is the distance plants should be planted apart and relates to the mature width or spread of each plant species which is usually stated on the plant tag. Plant with some overlap to eliminate gaps where weeds can grow through e.g. The plant below grows to 1.5m width, space these plants 1-1.2m apart, or for higher density planting at 0.7m spacing.

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