Archer Mint Streetscape Improvement Plan

Project Type: Works

Archer and Mint streets form a central roadway linking Orrong Road with Albany Highway and connecting people to the Carlisle Town Centre, Carlisle train station, East Victoria Park Primary School and East Victoria Park Town Centre. In the Town’s draft Local Planning Strategy, this corridor forms the western boundary of the Carlisle Station / Archer Street Precinct and connects to the Oats Street Precinct. These Precincts are defined as activated, transit-orientated and mixed-use areas that capitalise on their proximity to Perth and the Albany Highway Centre.

In March 2020, community consultation (see Community Feedback tab below) revealed that priorities for the Archer/Mint Streetscape Improvement project should include creating a streetscape that improves walkability and vibrancy around local businesses while increasing shading and tree canopy coverage wherever possible. 

These priorities informed the creation of several objectives for the design, which fall into three key areas:

Constructing your new Town Centre

The Carlisle Town Centre includes the section of Archer St between Raleigh and Mars streets, with the middle section of this area (between Planet and Bishopsgate streets) now updated via stage 1 works. 

Improvements include: 

  • Street made flush with footpath, made narrower, and given aesthetic treatment to encourage slower traffic movement.
  • Provision for more green canopy.
  • Aestically pleasing streetscape for pedestrians and alternative modes of transport.

Improving transport

In addition to reshaping the streetscape to slow traffic speeds and improve the area for pedestrians, the Town is also seeking to improve safety and access for alternative modes of transport. 

As part of a grant funding agreement with the Department of Transport, the Town is pursuing a staged plan to build a protected bike lane spanning almost the entire length of Archer/Mint streets. 

The completed bike lane will stretch between Gemini Way and Hubert Street, with the route informed by the Department of Transport's Long Term Cycle Network blueprint for a continuous cycling network in the Perth and Peel region. 

The completed bike lane will improve access to and from the new Carlisle train station and surrounding public realm currently under construction by METRONET. 

Adding to the tree canopy

The Town is commited to increasing its tree canopy to 20% under its Urban Forest Strategy.

In increasing canopy along Archer/Mint streets, the Town seeks to reduce the urban heat island effect, provide shade for visitors to the area and beautify the streetscape. 

The project so far

Bike Lane

The second stage of the Archer/Mint protected bike lanes is now at practical completion, extending from Gemini Way to Star Street and connecting active transport users with the revitalised Carlisle Town Centre. 

A future final stage of works is planned to complete the bike lane so that it stretches most of the length of Archer and Mint streets, connecting users to amenities such as the new Carlisle train station and public realm. Timing of this stage is to be confirmed.

The protected bike lane project is jointly funded by the Town and the Department of Transport.  

For more information, see the Project Staging and FAQs tabs above, or refer to the live detour map below.

    Town Centre

    The upgraded Carlisle Town Centre between Bishopsgate and Planet Streets is open! We recommend taking a look around the area, enjoying the new facilities and supporting the local businesses in the area. 

    Staging update

    As part of the Town Budget for FY24/25, Council endorsed a plan to reduce the scope of Stage 2 of the Town Centre improvement works in order to manage cost pressures. Previously, the indicative plan for Stage 2 of the works sought to cover the sections of Archer St between Planet and Mars streets and Bishopsgate and Raleigh streets. The latter section is now intended to take place under Stage 3 Town Centre works at a later date.

    Completion of the improvement works between Planet and Mars streets will improve the connection between the Town Centre as it currently stands and the recently completed Stage 2 of the Protected Bike Lanes. 

    For more context, please view the map and information located under the 'Project Staging' tab above. 

    Planter boxes

    The planter boxes at the intersections with Planet and Bishopsgate streets were decorated with the illustrations of Matthew Wong, who studied art at Curtin university and established himself as an illustrator and street artist in Perth before relocating to Melbourne. His works have featured in high-profile place making projects in North Perth and Yagan Square. His style is a mix of traditional illustration mixed with Asian-influenced street art. 


    With Stage 1 of the Town Centre complete, normal access to businesses has been restored. 

    Why not drop in to one of our wonderful local businesses to show your support? There is plenty of variety, from medical, self-care and physiotherapy services, through to fresh meats, specialised groceries, bars, restaurants and cafes, and everything in between! 

    Below is a list of businesses along the newly refreshed stretch of Archer St and beyond. Why not pay them a visit!

    The first designs (concept designs) for a street revitalization and consultation with the community was completed at the end of 2020.

    The process involved the Town appointing a multi-disciplinary team to prepare a concept design and staging plan based on site analysis, community engagement and best practice transport planning and urban design. The design process included;

    1. Literature review and site analysis culminating in an outline of opportunities and constraints;
    2. Existing street and car parking assessment;
    3. Online businesses and residents survey through Your Thoughts;
    4. Pop-up morning engagement to survey locals using the street;

    The design process engaged with our community and included a community survey with 116 responses, a pop-up engagement on Archer Street and one on one interviews with Town Officers and several businesses on Archer Street. The community engagement refined the vision and objectives for the project, building on the strategic outcomes outlined in the Town’s Strategic Community Plan. 

    This work culminated in a draft plan (see attached documents at the bottom of this page) which was endorsed by Council to proceed to public advertising at the 15 June 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. The public advertising period was conducted over a three-week period in June and July 2020.

    The Town received 75 submissions during the public comment period. 72 submissions either supported the proposal or supported the proposal with some concerns. There were three submissions that opposed the proposal.

    The final Plan considered all aspects of the public land on the street including the road, footpath, verge and street trees.

    The Town has now completed Stage 1 works. 

    Further construction stages elsewhere along Archer St will be considered, consistent with the limitations and considerations in the Long-Term Financial Plan. Funding for this project is a mix of external funding and from the Town’s finances.

    Where is Archer Street and Mint Street?

    The project has considered the full length of Archer Street between Orrong Road and the train line, as well as the full length of Mint Street between the train line and Albany highway.  

    Why upgrade the streetscape?

    As a rapidly growing urban community, it is important that we plan for the future to make sure our infrastructure can meet the needs of our current and future community. With significant investment in rail and road infrastructure affecting the Town over the next 10 years, we need to ensure our local main streets can cope with these changes and become thriving places to live, work and play. 

    Why are the streetscape and bike lane works being broken into stages?

    In responding to rising cost pressures and limited access to construction resources, the Town is opting to pursue construction of the Archer/Mint Streetscape Improvement works in stages. This will also serve to lessen the impact of prolonged, continuous works on businesses and surrounding residents, and allow the upgrades to fit around the State Government’s improvements to the train line and surrounding public space under its METRONET project.

    It is important to note that staging is indicative, and is subject to change in line with a number of factors.

    How will the METRONET level crossing removal impact this project?

    The State Government has begun removing the railway boom gates on Mint/Archer Street and will elevate the rail above the road. This means the profile of the road will not change and won't impact the design significantly. However, the METRONET works are likely to impact the timing of the final stage of construction for the protected bike lanes, as this stage will cross over the train line near to the new Carlisle train station. The Town will continue to work with METRONET to ensure the two projects are complementary of one another. 

    Will the planter boxes installed at the Planet and Bishopsgate Street intersections be painted?

    The planter boxes at both intersections have now been decorated with the art of Matthew Wong, who studied art at Curtin university and established himself as an illustrator and street artist in Perth before relocating to Melbourne. His works have featured in high-profile place making projects in North Perth and Yagan Square. His style is a mix of traditional illustration mixed with Asian influenced street art. 

    What's the plan for the cycling infrastructure along Archer/Mint?

    The first two sections of the protected bike lane between Gemini Way and Star Street have been completed. The construction comprises 2 median buffers, landscaping and on-street ramps connecting to the footpath.

    The completed bike lane will stretch most of Archer/Mint streets, with the route informed by the Department of Transport's Long Term Cycle Network blueprint for a continuous cycling network in the Perth and Peel region. The long-term vision for the Town's cycle routes can be viewed here

    The bike lane project is jointly funded by the Town and the Department of Transport.  

    Why protected bike lanes?

    The research tells us many riders feel safer with a physical barrier between them and motorists, while traditional bike lanes that form part of the road present as a considerable barrier to use for many prospective riders. The protected bike lanes being constructed along Archer St are in accordance with today's best practice and stem from our original Council-approved Archer/Mint Streetscape Improvement Plan, which was the subject of consultation with the community in 2020 and has been worked on with the Department of Transport and Public Transport Authority. For a look at how protected bike lanes are being utilised elsewhere in the country, check out the City of Melbourne website.

    Do cyclists use Archer Street?

    Traffic studies completed in 2019 and 2024 show a consistent 30-40 riders travelling through the Town Centre daily. The Town Centre improvements and protected bike lanes aim to make the journey safer for cyclists by narrowing the road and using visual cues to encourage motorists to slow down and exercise caution, while also allocating a dedicated and protected zone through which cyclists can ride. With construction of the protected bike lanes coinciding with the new Carlisle train station and forming part of the Department of Transport’s Long Term Cycle Network blueprint, it is hoped the infrastructure will encourage more cyclists, including those too scared to ride on the road, to get out and about in the Carlisle Town Centre.

    Is the bike lane safe to use now?

    Yes! As always, users should exercise appropriate caution when riding in the bike lanes and keep an eye out for other road users, including those exiting their driveways. We're working on bringing you the rest of the lane as staging constraints allow!

    Will the bike lane construction impact on street parking?

    There will be some unavoidable loss of on-street parking along Archer Street as a result of the bike lane works, which will look to broaden accessibility to Archer Street and its businesses to more modes of transport. The protected bike lanes and wider Archer/Mint Streetscape Improvement Plan aim to create an integrated, accessible and sustainable transport network that connects people to places and supports the Town as a liveable inner-city community, as set out in our Integrated Transport Strategy.

    Picture the protected bike lane, once fully complete, allowing people using alternative modes of transport to safely ride to and from the new Carlisle train station and associated public realm, local schools, as well as local businesses, supporting a more vibrant Town Centre.

    What is the Town doing about rubbish collecting in the existing bike lane infrastructure?

    Further landscaping as part of the recently completed stage 2 of the bike lanes include new turf, mulch, plants and an irrigation system, and are designed to limit rubbish ingress to the bike lanes. 

    Will the finished bike lane include raised bus stops?

    The finished bike lanes will not include raised bus stop treatments, as per the recommendation of an independent road safety audit. 

    What's happening to bus stops and bus stop shelters during the bike lane works?

    Some bus shelters will have to be moved as part of the wider bike lane works. In light of the planned Carlisle train station upgrade and future bike lane stages, The Public Transport Authority will rationalise the number and locations of bus stops along Archer Street to better serve users. Further information on bus stop relocations will be available in due course. 

    Where can I supply feedback?

    For contact details, please see the 'Got a question?' tab.

    Do you have a question for our project team?

    Please email with your query, accompanied by your name. Alternatively you can call the Town on 9311 8111.

    With stage 1 of the streetscape and stages 1 and 2 of the bike lane works complete, the map below shows the Town’s indicative approach to future upgrades as part of the Archer/Mint Streetscape Improvement project.

    Being indicative, this staging of works is subject to change based on factors such as availability of resources, cost pressures and endorsement of future works as part of the Town’s Long Term Financial Plan.

    For more information on the current approach to staging, read below:

    Streetscape stage 1 - complete

    Spanning Bishopsgate Street to Planet Street, this stage of the Archer/Mint Streetscape Improvement Plan is now complete and refers to general streetscape improvements made to the Carlisle Town Centre.

    Improvements include:

    • Upgraded road treatment
    • Upgraded paving, made to be flush with the road
    • Narrowed carriageway to reduce speed
    • New trees
    • Planter boxes at Bishopsgate and Planet street intersections
    • Planter box art
    • New street lighting


    Protected bike lane stage 1 - complete

    Spanning Planet Street to Star Street, this stage of the protected bike lane planned for Archer and Mint streets is now complete.

    The lane will eventually travel almost the entire length of Archer and Mint streets, improving the streetscape for alternative modes of transport in line with the Town’s Integrated Transport Strategy, and allowing cyclists to feel safer when sharing the road with motorists.

    Protected bike lane stage 2 - complete

    The second stage of the protected bike lane stretches between Gemini Way and Star Street to connect with protected bike lane stage 1. 

    The landscaping design for Stage 2 is available from the document links at the bottom of this page. 

    Streetscape stage 2 - Construction happening FY 24/25

    This stage of the streetscape improvement works will extend the Carlisle Town Centre north to Mars Street.

    The design of stage 2 will take its cues from stage 1 and aim to slow traffic speeds and make the town centre a more accessible and attractive space for pedestrians and alternative modes of transport. 

    Protected bike lane stage 3 - future

    Stage 3 of the protected bike lane is anticipated to stretch from Raleigh Street to Hubert Street, just before Albany Hwy, with construction expected to take place following the conclusion of METRONET works so the design can complement and respond to impending changes to the streetscape near the train line.

    Once Stage 3 is completed, the full bike lane will extend from Gemini Way and Hubert Street, with the route informed by the Department of Transport's Long Term Cycle Network blueprint for a continuous cycling network in the Perth and Peel region. The long-term vision for the Town's cycle routes can be viewed here

    With the Armadale train line now shut, the State Government’s METRONET team has begun work to raise the train line. The team will also remove the level crossing at Mint Street and upgrade and move Carlisle train station closer to Mint Street. For more information on the METRONET project, click here.

    Streetscape stage 3 - future

    This stage of the streetscape improvement works will extend the Carlisle Town Centre south to Raleigh Street.

    The design of stage 3 will take its cues from stage 1 and 2, and aim to slow traffic speeds and make the town centre a more accessible and attractive space for pedestrians and alternative modes of transport. 

    See the map below for works, wayfinding and detour information during construction periods. 

    Related documents

    Archer/Mint Project Plan

    Archer/Mint design documents

    Archer/Mint Landscape Plan

    Archer Mint Stage 2 Bike Lane Landscape Layout

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