Advocacy Program to Enhance Community Well-being

Published on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 at 4:18:16 PM

The Town of Victoria Park is excited to announce the launch of its Advocacy Program for the year 2023-2024, aimed at fostering community development and enhancing the well-being of its residents. This strategic initiative reflects the Town's commitment to engaging with both local and federal governments and the community to advocate for crucial projects that will shape the future of Victoria Park.

Advocacy Priorities 2023 - 2024

Every year, the Council selects five priority projects to champion, advocating to State and Federal governments to secure funding and support. These projects are carefully chosen to address the needs and aspirations of the community and promote sustainable growth in Victoria Park.

"The Advocacy Program is a testament to our dedication to actively collaborate with our community, local government, and higher authorities to create a positive impact," said Mayor Karen Vernon. "By engaging with residents and understanding their requirements, we can drive meaningful change and secure the necessary resources to bring our visionary projects to life."

Three-Tiered Approach to Advocacy

The Town of Victoria Park employs a comprehensive three-tiered approach to effectively advocate for its priority projects:

  1. Building Community Support Locally: Engaging with local residents, businesses, and stakeholders to garner support and ensure that projects align with community needs.

  2. Building State Government Buy-In: Collaborating with state-level ministers, bureaucracies, and grant providers to gain support and recognition for the projects at a higher level.

  3. Engagement with the Federal Government: Advocating to the federal government to secure the necessary funding and backing for the projects that will benefit the broader community.

This approach ensures a holistic engagement process that considers all perspectives and maximizes the potential for successful outcomes.

Advocacy Projects

The Advocacy Program for 2023-2024 comprises several transformative projects, each with the goal of enhancing the quality of life for Victoria Park residents:

  1. Edward Millen Parklands: Unlocking the potential of Edward Millen Park, this project aims to create an inclusive play space for children of all abilities, attract visitors to East Victoria Park, and restore the heritage-listed building. The development seeks to foster community connection and cater to the diverse needs of its residents.

  2. McCallum Park Active Precinct: With a focus on fostering community connections through recreation, this project complements the recently funded Causeway Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge with essential supporting infrastructure. It will also provide a safe space for youth and promote healthy lifestyles.

  3. Archer Mint Street: This initiative seeks to revitalize the Carlisle town centre, promoting active transport and creating a vibrant district that accommodates shops, cafes, and other amenities. The project will contribute to safer streets and a thriving local economy.

  4. Mid-Tier Transit and Short Range Bus Transit (CAT): Supporting the creation of a mid-tier transit system, this project aims to improve connectivity, especially from Curtin University to Perth CBD. It envisions enhanced transportation options for residents and students.

  5. Kent Street Sand Pit: Restoring the Kent Street Sand Pit to Banksia Woodland will enhance the neighboring Jirdarup Bushland, provide habitat for native fauna, and contribute to the Urban Forest Strategy's goals of increasing tree canopy coverage.

The Town's Advocacy Program demonstrates our commitment to inclusivity, sustainability, and community well-being. By engaging with local and federal stakeholders, Victoria Park seeks to bring its visionary projects to fruition, driving positive change for its residents.

Learn more about our Advocacy Priorities here. 

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