Stage 1 (complete): A community vision for Macmillan Precinct

For stage 1 of the Macmillan Precinct Redevelopment Project we engaged WA planning consultants, RobertsDay, to help facilitate the creation of a community charter to help:

  • Define a vision and key principles that captures our community’s expectations and aspirations for the precinct.
  • Set clear guidance for the precinct Masterplan.
  • Provide direction to inform the activation, design, development, and management of the future precinct.

Our community's vision

With the help of community feedback via surveys, interviews and workshops during 2020, a vision was created. This vision will guide all major decisions for the precinct over the coming decades:

The Macmillan Precinct is Victoria Park's shared commons, where culture, community and creativity intertwine.

Welcoming community facilities, immersive green spaces, and an eclectic mix of uses and events shape a unique destination connected to history while embracing a bold future.

Masterplan guiding principles

Our community charter consists of four guiding principles to help direct us in the development of the precinct masterplan.

Principle 1: Green forever

The precinct will remain a focal green space, both a relaxing retreat from city life and a dynamic stage for share experiences and big events.

Its mature trees, open vistas and central lawn hold irreplaceable value which will be safeguarded and elevated by green infrastructure and sustainable design.

Principle 2: Space for all

The precinct will endure as the heart of Vic Park, a place of community wellness and belonging, which sustains the Town’s valued services through its flexible and innovative facilities.

It will meet the needs of the clubs and groups who call it home, while finding balance with services in surrounding areas.

Principle 3: Mixed together

The precinct will connect East Vic Park’s thriving entertainment scene, commercial core and transport links, strengthening physical and interpersonal bonds which improve accessibility, build cultural capital and catalyse economic prosperity in the local area.

Principle 4: Celebrate character

The precinct will reimagine the ‘civic precinct’, while continually reflecting East Vic Park’s distinctive character and strong community spirit through its immersive spaces and experiences.


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